Friday, December 11, 2009

Brief Update

Hi Everyone.

Just wanted to let you know that I am now the President of the Torrance Artist's Guild.

The Guild has been around for a long time and is a great place for artists in the South Bay to gather, talk to other artists, learn about all things art and enter friendly competitions. Yet, in spite of all the benifits the Guild brings to it's members, when the President was asking for someone to step forward to take over her job, no one would.

I wasn't sure that I would be good choice for the group because my participation is minimal at best - I usually go to the holiday potluck - but by the last meeting when they were suppose to vote on the new board and no one had stepped up, there was just no way I was going to let the group disband for lack of a leader. So at least for the next year or so, the Guild is safe.

I would like to encourage all of you to come to meetings, you don't have to join unless you want to but you get to see what other artists in the community are doing, there is usually a good demo on a wide variety of media and you can see how different artist handle their chosen medium that might be different from what you've seen before.

Meetings are on the second Tues of the month at the Ken Miller Rec Center right behind the Plunge in Torrance at Torrance blvd and madrona Ave. The general meeting usually starts around 7 pm-ish, take in is at 6:30 and there is a short business meeting before the demo. Members will bring their art and the demonstrator will judge for 1st, 2nd, 3rd 4th and HM but there is a people's choice everyone gets to vote on both members and non-members.

Remember to get signed up for classes ASAP and keep your cameras handy for any great pictures you see before class. Have a great holiday no matter what you celebrate. See you soon.

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