Thursday, January 1, 2009

Correction! Classes Start Jan 12th

I need to learn to read. I was in error in previous posts when I said classes start on Jan 5th, they actually start the following week on Jan 12th. I apologize for any confusion ( I was probably the only one).

The Torrance Web site is back up again if you do your registration on-line, but it might be better to go into the office on Monday Jan 5th and register in person because they will be having a meeting that afternoon to close classes with low enrollment. If you have a friend(s) who have thought about taking classes, bring them with you regardless of what class you are interested in, we all win when the classes stay open. Thanks.

You may have noticed that I've spruced up the blog page a bit, I finally noticed that Blogger had some new features and added a few of them. One my students might like is you can sign up to follow my posts and you will be notified when I update the blog. I will also add some links I hope you will find interesting. I'm still trying to figure it out but I hope that it helps.

Again, sorry about the mix-up in dates, hope to see you all soon. - LP

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